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Học Anh Văn phương pháp Tân Văn
31.08.2007 21:05
1000 ngữ vựng tiếng Anh thông dụng nhất 1000 mót common 1000 English vocabularies (phía dưới)
Thứ Bảy, 29/03/2008, 11:06
Học tiếng Anh hoặc vào tù TPO- Thẩm phán Peter Paul Olszewski Jr tại hạt Luzerne, bang Pennsylvania, Mỹ yêu cầu 3 bị cáo nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha phải học tiếng Anh nếu không muốn tiếp tục ngồi tù.  | Ngồi tù nếu không chịu học tiếng Anh! | 3 người đàn ông trên bị buộc tội âm mưu ăn cướp. Theo cảnh sát Pennsylvania, 3 người nói tiếng Tây Ban Nha đã dùng súng đe doạ, lục soát ví và đánh vào đầu của 2 khách qua đường.Tòa đã đề nghị phạt các bị cáo mức án từ 4 đến 12 tháng tù giam . Tuy nhiên, thẩm phán Peter Paul Olszewski Jr quyết định sẽ tha bổng lập tức 3 bị cáo với điều kiện tới đây họ phải học đọc và viết tiếng Anh; giành được văn bằng Phát triển giáo dục toàn bộ (GEDs); và kiếm được công việc tử tế. Trước phiên tòa xét xử đầu tuần qua, khi tự bào chữa, cả 3 bị cáo- Luis Reyes, Ricardo Dominguez và Rafael Guzman-Mateo - đều phải nhờ người phiên dịch. “Các anh có nghĩ chúng tôi sẽ cung cấp cho các anh một người phiên dịch suốt cuộc đời hay không?”- thẩm phán Paul Olszewski Jr “chân thành” hỏi bị cáo. Phản ứng về yêu cầu của Tòa, luật sư của Guzman-Mateo phát biểu:” Thân chủ của tôi rất lấy làm sung sướng. Tôi sẽ giúp anh ta học tiếng Anh” Thẩm phán Olszewski Jr cũng yêu cầu các bị cáo phải quay lại báo cáo “tiến độ học tập” tiếng Anh sau một năm. "Nếu họ không vượt qua bài kiểm tra tiếng Anh, họ sẽ phải ngồi tù 24 tháng” - thẩm phán Olszewski Jr quả quyết. Tại hạt Luzerne, thẩm phán Olszewski nổi tiếng vì những phán quyết “chả giống ai”. Ông đã từng yêu cầu các thanh niên phạm tội bỏ học giữa chừng phải tiếp tục đến trường học tập. Ông cũng hay giúp các phạm nhân sau khi mãn hạn tù tìm được công việc thông qua các tổ chức giới thiệu việc làm ở địa phương. Huy Linh Theo AP
| Adjectives |
71. last | 75. other | 85. new | 99. good | 132. old | 138. great | 178. high | 183. small | 192. different | 198. large | 208. local | 222. social | 230. long | 239. important | 255. young | 256. national | 276. possible | 282. big | 299. right | 305. early | 308. public | 313. only | 321. able | 322. political | 339. particular | 340. full | 345. far | 356. late | 367. available | 370. little | 376. low | 393. bad | 407. main | 426. major | 429. economic | 433. general | 446. real | 449. likely | 458. certain | 465. special | 466. difficult | 467. international | 485. clear | 499. sure | 502. black | 519. white | 527. common | 528. strong | 529. whole | 531. free | 565. similar | 573. necessary | 577. central | 582. true | 587. open | 588. short | 589. personal | 593. single | 600. easy | 601. private | 612. financial | 613. poor | 626. foreign | 633. human | 635. simple | 640. recent | 649. wide | 659. various | 676. due | 680. hard | 694. royal | 697. fine | 722. natural | 723. wrong | 729. final | 751. following | 163. present | 770. nice | 772. trip | 774. close | 775. current | 776. legal | 791. red | 792. happy | 794. concerned | 813. individual | 820. normal | 832. previous | 836. serious | 847. significant | 849. prime | 874. industrial | 886. sorry | 894. labor | 895. left | 896. dead | 898. specific | 905. total | 917. appropriate | 919. military | 928. basic | 932. original | 933. successful | 936. aware | 953. popular | 958. professional | 970. heavy | 973. top | 982. dark | 995. ready | 1000. useful | Adverbs |
21. not | 49. out | 50. up | 58. so | 63. then | 68. more | 70. now | 77. just | 81. also | 82. well | 84. only | 86. very | 95. how | 97. when | 98. as | 106. even | 107. there | 112. down | 115. back | 119. still | 122. here | 124. too | 127. on | 139. where | 142. over | 153. much | 158. however | 160. again | 170. never | 171. all | 172. most | 179. about | 182. in | 186. why | 188. away | 194. really | 200. off | 201. always | 217. next | 219. rather | 226. quite | 231. right | 253. often | 265. yet | 266. perhaps | 275. already | 298. least | 300. almost | 304. long | 309. together | 323. later | 334. less | 358. both | 359. once | 364. probably | 366. ever | 368. no | 373. far | 385. actually | 390. today | 391. enough | 435. therefore | 439. around | 454. soon | 468. particularly | 478. early | 492. else | 505. sometimes | 506. thus | 510. further | 522. ago | 533. yesterday | 541. usually | 552. indeed | 560. certainly | 562. home | 584. simply | 586. especially | 652. better | 658. either | 668. clearly | 713. instead | 725. round | 739. to | 778. finalty | 790. please | 814. forward | 825. quickly | 834. recently | 837. anyway | 863. suddenly | 818. generality | 864. nearly | 915. obviously | 926. though | 929. hard | 934. okay | 941. exactly | 942. above | 965. maybe | Conjunctions |
4. and | 13. that | 23. but | 29. or | 31. as | 38. it | 67. than | 67. when | 96. because | 114. so | 187. while | 209. where | 215. although | 260. whether | 269. until | 270. though | 21. since | 312. alter | 314. before | 822. nor | 916. unless | 960. once | Determiners |
1. the | 5. a | 22. this | 26. this | 27. that | 30. which | 33. an | 39. their | 41. what | 43. all | 45. her | 56. some | 62. its | 65. my | 72. your | 74. no | 79. these | 83. any | 94. such | 102. our | 108. many | 109. those | 126. own | 131. more | 144. same | 150. each | 159. another | 202. next | 212. most | 227. both | 234. every | 301. much | 378. little | 416. several | 460. half | 521. whose | 539. few | 603. former | 768. whatever | 840. either | 959. less | InfInitive Marker |
7. to | InterjectIons |
113. yeah | 128. no | 157. yes | 583. well | Modals |
35. will | 36. would | 37. can | 57. could | 78. should | 88. may | 120. must | 151. might | 166. shall | 881. used | Nouns |
53. time | 60. year | 80. people | 89. way | 101. man | 104. day | 115. thing | 121. child | 133. government | 135. part | 137. life | 140. case | 141. woman | 146. work | 149. system | 155. group | 156. number | 161. world | 162. area | 164. course | 165. company | 168. problem | 173. service | 176. hand | 177. party | 161. school | 184. place | 190. point | 191. house | 193. country | 196. week | 199. member | 206. end | 213. word | 216. example | 218. family | 220. fact | 224. state | 225. percent | 235. home | 236. month | 231. side | 238. night | 240. eye | 241. head | 242. information | 243. question | 244. business | 246. power | 247. money | 248. change | 250. interest | 251. order | 252. book | 254. development | 259. room | 261. water | 262. form | 263. car | 264. other | 266. level | 271. policy | 274. council | 278. line | 280. need | 281. effect | 283. use | 286. idea | 287. study | 288. lot | 290. job | 293. result | 294. body | 296. friend | 297. right | 303. authority | 306. view | 311. report | 315. bit | 316. face | 318. market | 324. hour | 325. rate | 326. law | 327. door | 328. court | 329. office | 331. war | 333. reason | 335. minister | 336. subject | 337. person | 338. term | 342. sort | 348. period | 352. society | 353. process | 354. mother | 357. voice | 360. police | 361. kind | 369. price | 371. action | 372. issue | 375. position | 377. cost | 379. matter | 380. community | 382. figure | 383. type | 384. research | 386. education | 389. few | 395. program | 396. minute | 397. moment | 398. girl | 399. age | 400. center | 402. control | 403. value | 405. health | 410. decision | 412. class | 413. industry | 415. back | 420. force | 421. condition | 423. paper | 434. century | 436. father | 437. section | 438. patient | 440. activity | 441. road | 442. table | 444. church | 448. mind | 451. team | 452. experience | 453. death | 455. act | 456. sense | 457. staff | 459. student | 462. language | 469. department | 470. management | 471. morning | 475. plan | 489. role | 490. practice | 491. bank | 493. support | 495. event | 496. building | 497. range | 503. stage | 504. meeting | 508. town | 509. art | 511. club | 513. arm | 514. history | 515. parent | 516. land | 517. trade | 520. situation | 523. teacher | 524. record | 525. manager | 526. relation | 530. field | 535. window | 536. account | 542. difference | 543. material | 544. air | 545. wife | 548. project | 550. sale | 551. relationship | 553. light | 557. care | 561. rule | 566. story | 567. quality | 568. tax | 569. worker | 570. nature | 571. structure | 572. data | 574. pound | 575. method | 576. unit | 578. bed | 579. UNI0N | 580. movement | 581. board | 590. detail | 591. model | 598. wall | 602. computer | 604. hospital | 605. chapter | 606. scheme | 607. theory | 610. property | 614. officer | 616. charge | 617. director | 621. approach | 622. chance | 623. application | 628. top | 629. amount | 630. son | 631. operation | 634. opportunity | 636. leader | 637. look | 638. share | 639. production | 641. firm | 642. picture | 643. source | 644. security | 648. contract | 651. agreement | 655. site | 657. labor | 661. test | 663. loss | 667. color | 669. shop | 670. benefit | 671. animal | 672. heart | 673. election | 674. purpose | 675. standard | 677. secretary | 679. date | 681. music | 682. hair | 684. factor | 687. pattern | 689. piece | 692. front | 693. evening | 695. tree | 696. population | 698. plant | 699. pressure | 700. response | 702. street | 704. performance | 705. knowledge | 707. design | 708. page | 710. individual | 712. rest | 715. basis | 716. size | 717. environment | 719. fire | 720. series | 721. success | 726. thought | 727. list | 730. future | 732. analysis | 734. space | 737. demand | 738. statement | 740. attention | 741. love | 742. principle | 744. set | 745. doctor | 746. choice | 748. feature | 749. couple | 750. step | 753. machine | 754. income | 755. training | 757. association | 758. film | 759. region | 760. effort | 761. player | 764. award | 765. village | 767. organization | 769. news | 771. difficulty | 773. cell | 777. energy | 779. degree | 780. mile | 781. means | 782. growth | 784. treatment | 785. sound | 787. task | 788. provision | 793. behavior | 796. function | 798. resource | 799. defense | 800. garden | 801. floor | 802. technology | 803. style | 804. feeling | 805. science | 807. doubt | 808. horse | 810. answer | 816. user | 817. fund | 818. character | 819. risk | 823. dog | 826. army | 829. station | 830. glass | 831. cup | 833. husband | 839. capital | 841. note | 842. season | 843. argument | 845. show | 846. responsibility | 848. deal | 850. economy | 851. element | 853. duty | 857. attempt | 858. leg | 859. investment | 864. brother | 869. title | 870. hotel | 871. aspect | 872. increase | 873. help | 876. summer | 879. daughter | 883. baby | 887. sea | 888. skill | 889. claim | 892. concern | 893. university | 897. discussion | 899. customer | 900. box | 903. conference | 904. whole | 906. profit | 907. division | 909. procedure | 911. king | 913. image | 914. oil | 918. circumstance | 920. proposal | 922. client | 923. sector | 924. direction | 930. instance | 931. sign | 937. measure | 938. attitude | 940. disease | 943. commission | 946. seat | 947. president | 949. addition | 950. goal | 954. affair | 955. technique | 956. respect | 961. item | 964. version | 966. ability | 968. good | 969. campaign | 971. advice | 972. institution | 975. surface | 976. library | 977. pupil | 981. advantage | 984. memory | 985. culture | 986. blood | 988. majority | 990. variety | 991. press | 993. bill | 994. competition | 996. general | 997. access | 999. stone | Prepositions |
3. of | 6. in | 10. to | 11. for | 16. on | 17. with | 19. at | 20. by | 24. from | 48. as | 61. into | 69. about | 91. like | 105. between | 111. after | 117. through | 123. over | 167. under | 169. against | 185. before | 204. without | 207. within | 210. during | 346. towards | 425. off | 431. upon | 443. including | 450. among | 461. around | 474. across | 498. behind | 615. up | 627. along | 646. according | 660. since | 706. despite | 718. per | 724. near | 786. above | 861. throughout | 901. outside | 945. beyond | 951. round | Pronouns |
9. it | 12. I | 14. you | 15. he | 25. they | 28. she | 32. we | 42. their | 47. who | 55. them | 59. him | 73. me | 93. her | 110. one | 145. us | 180. something | 277. nothing | 307. himself | 347. anything | 422. itself | 424. themselves | 558. someone | 559. everything | 597. herself | 685. other | 686. anyone | 762. everyone | 783. whom | 821. myself | 939. yourself | Verbs |
2. be | 8. have | 18. do | 34. say | 40. go | 44. get | 46. make | 51. see | 52. know | 54. take | 64. think | 66. come | 76. give | 90. look | 92. use | 100. find | 103. want | 116. tell | 125. put | 129. work | 130. become | 134. mean | 136. leave | 143. seem | 147. need | 148. feel | 152. may | 154. ask | 163. show | 174. try | 175. call | 189. keep | 195. provide | 197. hold | 203. follow | 205. turn | 211. bring | 214. begin | 221. like | 223. write | 228. start | 229. run | 232. set | 233. help | 245. play | 249. move | 257. pay | 258. hear | 267. meet | 272. include | 273. believe | 279. allow | 284. lead | 285. stand | 289. live | 295. happen | 302. carry | 310. talk | 317. sit | 319. appear | 320. continue | 330. let | 332. produce | 341. involve | 343. require | 344. suggest | 349. consider | 350. read | 351. change | 355. offer | 362. lose | 363. add | 365. expect | 374. remember | 381. remain | 387. tall | 388. speak | 392. open | 394. buy | 401. stop | 404. send | 406. decide | 408. win | 409. understand | 411. develop | 414. receive | 417. return | 418. build | 419. spend | 427. describe | 428. agree | 430. increase | 432. learn | 445. reach | 447. lie | 463. walk | 464. die | 472. draw | 473. hope | 482. create | 494. sell | 500. report | 501. pass | 507. accept | 512. cause | 518. watch | 532. break | 534. support | 537. explain | 538. stay | 540. wait | 546. cover | 547. apply | 549. raise | 554. claim | 555. form | 556. base | 563. cut | 564. grow | 585. contain | 592. bear | 594. join | 595. reduce | 596. establish | 599. face | 608. choose | 609. wish | 611. achieve | 618. drive | 619. deal | 620. place | 624. seek | 632. fail | 645. serve | 647. end | 650. occur | 653. kill | 654. act | 658. plan | 662. eat | 664. close | 665. represent | 666. love | 678. rise | 683. prepare | 688. manage | 690. discuss | 691. prove | 701. catch | 703. pick | 709. enjoy | 711. suppose | 714. wear | 728. argue | 731. introduce | 733. enter | 735. arrive | 736. ensure | 743. pull | 747. refer | 752. thank | 756. present | 766. control | 789. affect | 795. point | 797. identify | 806. relate | 809. force | 811. compare | 812. suffer | 815. announce | 824. obtain | 827. indicate | 828. forget | 835. publish | 838. visit | 844. listen | 852. finish | 854. fight | 855. train | 856. maintain | 860. save | 862. design | 865. improve | 866. avoid | 867. wonder | 868. tend | 875. express | 877. determine | 880. exist | 882. share | 885. smile | 890. treat | 891. remove | 902. state | 908. throw | 910. tilt | 912. assume | 921. mention | 925. admit | 927. replace | 935. reflect | 944. intend | 948. encourage | 952. miss | 957. drop | 962. fly | 963. reveal | 967. operate | 974. discover | 978. record | 979. refuse | 980. prevent | 983. teach | 987. cost | 989. answer | 992. depend | 998. hit |
How to write Simple English articlesThis page describes how to write Simple English articles. < script type=text/javascript>//< /script>
Think about your readersFirst, think about your readers. Many readers of Simple English are people whose mother language is not English. Other readers may be young (they may be children) or have learning difficulties. The language is simple, but the ideas don't have to be. Good luck!
Basic English and Voice Of America Special EnglishThe Simple English Wikipedia follows some of the rules of Basic English, but is not so strict about using only a certain number of words. Simple English is still changing, and does not have only one word list. But the best starting point to writing in Simple English is to learn to write within Basic English and E Prime. This helps you know how to write with a limited vocabulary. Good Luck. Start with Basic English (BE) 850. Let us say that your readers know the BE 850 words. If your writing sounds strange, or is not clear, use a less common word. The less common word may be in BE 1500 or Voice Of America (VOA) Special English.
ExampleFull English "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears, and sweat" in Basic English is "blood, hard work, drops from eyes, and body water" - "Blood" is a BE 850 word.
- "Hard work" is good for a person who hears with an English mother language. But a learner could understand the word "hard" as "solid" or "difficult to understand". Perhaps "much work" is better.
- "Drops from eyes" sounds strange to a person who hears with an English mother language. "Tears" is a BE 1500 word and you can use it.
- "Body water" sounds strange to a person who hears with an English mother language. "Sweat" and "perspiration" both sound good. "Sweat" is a more common word and you can use it after linking to Sweat and creating at least a short description there.
Another way is to write "blood, toil, tears, and sweat" then write a sentence to tell learners what it means: (Tears fall from our eyes when we are sad; sweat is water which comes from our body when we are hot or doing much work.) Or, in place of word-for-word, write a good sentence to say the same idea as Winston Churchill would have said in Basic : "All I can give is my body, my work, my love, and my life."
Method- Write your words normally, as you would speak to another person.
- Look for your words in the word lists. Try to use the simplest word list:
- In Basic English BE 850 (pictures)
- In Basic English BE 1500.
- In VOA Special English Word Book.
- If a word is a name, idiomatic (the meaning of the words is not clear from the roots), or jargon (special words which experts use), then it should be described in more detail. Linking to an article about the word can also help.
- Stephen Hawking is a cosmologist--someone who studies the structure of the universe (stars and space).
- Not all words are encyclopedic. To link to the dictionary definition of a word rather than an encyclopedic article, link to the Simple English Wiktionary using [[:wikt:this]] (put your word in place of "this") to link to this. For a more complex definition, you may also link to the English Wiktionary like this: [[:en:wikt:this]].
- Change to active voice. Example: change from "The bird was eaten by the cat." to "The cat ate the bird."
- Look for a Basic English verb in past, present or future only.
- For writing special to science or trade, do as asked by the process of AECMA Simplified English (see external link below for International Aerospace Maintenance Language).
- After finishing the article, check to have at least one link (to another article in Simple Wikipedia) and one Interwiki link (to another language version of Wikipedia). The first is so the article is not a dead-end article, and the second is so that robots can fill in all the missing links to other language versions.
What not to doDo not... - Use bad grammar and bad spelling.
- Use bad English: This is Simple English, not Bad English.
- Use idioms (words or phrases that mean something other than what they say)
- Use words you're not sure about without using a dictionary.
- Write articles so short that they offer no useful information.
- Write in the second person. Good encyclopedia articles are never addressed to "you". Do not make statements about "you".
- Put links in titles (or other elements that structure the article). Try to keep the navigation and the structure of an article separate.
See also
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